Sunday, August 23, 2009

Colorado Trip - Days 3&4

Last two days have been a blast. Took a super scary drive on a one lane dirt road up 12,500 feet. Stayed in a "haunted" hotel in estes (Lins and I looked for ghosts but they didn't want to come out and play). Met a bartender named Lucky from Transilvania. Learned the difference between the Amish and Menonites. Met up with Linsey's friend Melissa in Denver. Toured the Coors brewery in Golden. Ate some sushi...played some phase ten. Road some class 4 rapids. Quite eventful I must say! Headed home tomorrow. All good things must come to an end.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Colorado Trip - Day 2

Too tired to write tonight. We hiked all day long. Gonna chilax and watch game show network!
Enjoy the photos.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Colorado Adventures - Day 1

Today was quite eventful. After spending 45 minutes stuck in traffic on the interstate in Omaha, Linsey and I were more than ready to get outta dodge. Road trips are a blast. Even though there's not much to look at in western Nebraska, we found lots of ways to entertain ourselves. Audiobooks = greatest invention ever! We're currently in estes park at the River Spruce cabins. Loves it! Very vintage/70s feel. Wood panel walls, yellow countertops, mini stove top. Best of all, just about 15 feet from river. Agenda... dinner (grilled chicken and baked cheesy potatoes), fire pit and a bottle of wine. Awesome!

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Officially chucked.

Teagan turns 10 in a couple of days. What better way to celebrate then a pool party! I'm proud to report she received her very first pair of chucks from me! She loved them.

-- Post From My iPhone