Last December at a staff Christmas party we were all given a raffle ticket, much like the admit one ticket. Each one had it's own unique number. I remember sitting at my table, clinching the ticket with both hands, ready to bolt up as soon as my number was read. I was convinced that this was my time, especially after not winning ANYTHING the last two years. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a sore loser but the prizes....uh...they were good, real good. $50 gift card to starbucks, $100 to AMC theaters, gift baskets, massages, restaurant gift cards, and on and on and on.
As each raffle ticket was read "54319..... (gasp, and hold your breath here) ...02" UGH (huge sigh here). Nothing. "5431905". Nothing. "5431907". Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Each time the let down was worse. Why can't I win anything? It's not fair! So and so, doesn't REALLY need that gift card, she'll never use it anyway.
It's funny to look back on that and realize how ridiculous I was behaving. Have you ever felt like that? Maybe it wasn't necessarily something you wanted to win, but you can identify with the feeling of disappointment right?
Originally posted here: "Facebook Discussions" Listening to: "Great DJ" by The Ting Tings